美國南卡羅來納大學招聘藥物輸送, 生物材料,神經科學方向博士后
One Postdoctoral Research Associate position is immediately available in the field of nanomedicine for brain targeted drug delivery in the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences at the University of South Carolina.
Applicants should have a PhD degree in Polymer Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Neurosciences, or other related field with previous research experience in drug delivery, nanomedicine, biomaterials. Experience with animal experiment in Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, stoke, or brain tumor model is a plus. Competitive applicants should be highly self-motivated and with a strong publication record. Additional information for the research group can be found at www.nanopx.com
If you are interested in joining our research group, please send a cover letter and a CV with a list of your publications, research experience/skills, and the contact information of three references to Dr. Peisheng Xu at xup@cop.sc.edu.
The University of South Carolina is a globally recognized, high-impact research university dedicated to innovation in learning, research and community engagement.
Founded in 1801, the university offers more than 350 degree programs and is the state’s only top-tier Carnegie Foundation research institution and one of only 40 public universities to receive Carnegie’s highest research designation and community engagement designation.
This position is eligible for University benefits. The University offers a comprehensive benefits package, including medical, dental and vision plans.Salary: $47,000.00 to $50,000.00 /year
南卡羅來納大學(University of South Carolina),簡稱USC,始建于1801年,具有超過 200 年的歷史,是一所美國著名的公立研究型大學,美國歷史最悠久的公立大學之一,受到南方院校聯盟委員會的認可。
南卡羅來納大學位于南卡羅來納州的州府和最大的城市——哥倫比亞市。近年來它被選入“美國生活質量最高的30 個城鎮”之一。南卡羅來納大學校園位于城市的中心,距離哥倫比亞都會機場約20分鐘的車程,距離北卡羅來納州的夏洛特道格拉斯國際機場約90分鐘的車程。
南卡羅來納大學共擁有12所學院,提供超過350門學位課程,包括本科、碩士、博士以及職業學位。2016年,學校在US News全球大學排名中位列242名,全美大學綜合排名108位,公立大學第55位,并有多個專業躋身全美前50.其中國際商務專業位居全美第一。除了以合理的價格提供優良的教育之外,南卡羅來納大學還以其對學生的承諾、美麗而歷史悠久的校園,以及杰出的設施而聞名。